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WRC-európai hálózat


17 representatives from 11 countries have met in Brussels on the 20th of June 2006 and agreed on the start-up of the European Association of Women Resource Centres, WINNET Europe. The representative of the European Commission DG INFSO also participated at the event.


The aim of the newly formed association is to support the activities of  national, regional and local resource centres for women (WRC) and / or other similar women organisations and to enhance that

  • women can claim their share of society's resources
  • women's competence is utilised in society
  • women's and men's efforts are evaluated equally

The start-up of the association is a result of the WINNET project co-financed by the European Commissions Structural Funds in the Interreg IIIC program carried out by  17 key actors from 9 countries during the years 2003-2005. Between 1997 and 2003 WRC organizations were started up in several EU member countries aimed at supporting local and regional development by means of promoting the integration of women in the economic, social and political life with an "empowerment" methodology. Since 2003 resource centres are also started up in the new EU member countries and resource centres are today recognized as key actors when it comes to the safeguarding of gender equality issues in regional and local development and growth. Focus areas of the activity of resource centres are: enhancing women's entrepreneurship, women's involvement in technology and supporting the situation of women in local and rural areas and of women facing social exclusion.

The newly established Association is registered in Sweden and will carry out its work in a new innovative way with physical meetings carried out in Brussels and an innovative network portal:  serving as the virtual office and communication platform between the partners.

Ms. Britt-Marie Torstensson, Chairman of the Swedish National Federation, NRC  was elected as the first president of the new organisation.

For more information: Ms. Britt-Marie Torstensson, Chairman WINNET Europe Interim Board, Tel +46 26 652766, e-mail







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