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WRC-európai hálózat

Ibolya Dávid, President of the Hungarian Democratic Forum plays a historic part in the Hungarian elections


Ibolya Dávid, President of the Hungarian Democratic Forum (MDF), was given a leading role by history - says Ildikó Lendvai, member of the National Presidium of the Hungarian Socialist Party (and the founder of the National Women's Division of the party). Ibolya Dávid is one of the few women in Hungarian policy making who has succeeded in winning the sympathy of most with her simple, honest and consistent statements and political behaviour. 

FIDESZ, a Hungarian right-wing party, a major political force in the country, offered a coalition to MDF with the assurance that the candidate for the position of prime minister would be designated from among the members of the MDF.

Ibolya Dávid, in her reply stated that there are conflicts of principle between the two parties, not personal disagreements, and MDF is not willing to trade in their long-term objectives and the trust of their voters for power. She also added that it is not in the interest of the country to amalgamate all right-wing parties into a homogenous one-party government, however, it is necessary to have a solid conservative party.

Ibolya Dávid succeeded in chosing morale and long-term development instead of instant power, in spite of recent threats against her own and her family's personal safety and continued pressure on members of the MDF by FIDESZ activists.

MDF passed 5% in the recent elections and made it to the Parliament.


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