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DVD about Women Resource Centres and the FEM project

FEM - cofinanced by INTERREG IIIB BSP !




FEM is an Interreg III B Baltic Sea Region project, co-financed by the EU Regional Development Fund. The aim of FEM is to strengthen the structures that support women's entrepreneurship through co-operation and the exchange of knowledge and best practices in the participating countries.

The FEM project i running between August 2004 and August 2007. The participating countries are Finland, Sweden, Norway, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland.

The FEM partnership has produced a seventeen minutes long video about Women Resource Centres (WRCs) and their role as key drivers of regional development based on best practices from Sweden - from where the model orginates - and other EU member countries.

If You want to order a copy of the DVD please contact: Lisbeth Holmqvist - Arbrandt, e-mail

FEM project partners
Eva, Fabry

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