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For Gender Equality of European Regional development - Declaration of intentions

Declaration of intentions - WINNET Europe

The declaration provides Women's Resource Centres (hereinafter WRCs) in the EU 25 Member States with a common basis for launching a consultation process of a European Association of WRC in EU 25 member states.

The Declaration is the result of the Interreg IIIC co-financed project W.IN-NET (2003-2005/2006).

The declaration is based on the following elements:

  • The analysis of the Community policies and programmes in the field of equal opportunities, local development and interregional co-operation.
  • The accomplished results of the transnational work done within the W.IN.NET operation.

The purpose of this declaration is to identify the main common criteria and characteristics of the different WRC models, in order to establish a European Association of Women's Resource Centres in EU 25.

Declaration of intentions for gender equality in European regional development (Long version).pdf

Declaration of intentions for gender equality in European regional development (Short version).pdf

W.IN.NET Project Partnership
Eva, Fabry

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