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Enschede speaking for itself - Guide for spatial quality
Guide for spatial quality - Enschede  


Enschede speaking for itself - Guide for Spatial Quality:
a double name and a double meaning.
Both residents and visitors of Enschede have been invited to
comment on the spatial quality of their neighbourhood and
the city. In addition, the Guide reflects qualities which are
characteristic for Enschede and are worthwhile to be further

The municipality of Enschede has developed De Gids voor Ruimtelijke Kwaliteit ('The Spatial Quality Guide'), a method that consists of five steps:

  1. Determine the most important spatial characteristics, by local area.
  2. Interpret all policy documents for their significance for each local area.
  3. Ask the users what spatial quality means to them in their (familiar) neighbourhoods (via the web site) 'green' and 'safety' are the most frequently mentioned.
  4. Use the information from 1, 2 and 3 to distil a 'fundamental attitude': 'respect' (maintain the present function) or 'redevelop' (make a new function possible) for the existing spatial quality (chart this out). The opinion of the population determines the fundamental attitude.
  5. Per local area, a half-sheet of paper on requirements for development: what do you want to respect and what do you want to redevelop, both in manifestation and in potential functions.

This way, the municipality of Enschede wishes to indicate where it intends to deviate from the zoning plans and where the dynamic zones are. The existing policy documents are the primary source determining what the use/function can be changed to.

The Guide

  • is intended to review new initiatives/construction plans quickly and transparently
  • gives a long-term perspective for the potential departure from zoning plans
  • produces procedural advantages (general declaration of no objection)
  • gives a simple overview of general policy for every local area
  • provides for deregulation based on the total outlines at local area level.

The English version gives a  short summary, the Dutch original consists of a General Guideand one booklet for each and every one of the Districts: North, South, East, West and the City Centre. 

The key chapters of the English version being:

  1. The bearing of the title 'Enschede speaking for itself' 5
  2. The working of the Guide 7
    Guide or local zoning and land use plan? 7
    The assessment of initiatives 8
    The applicable procedure 8
    Policy and future 8
  3. The policy pursued in Enschede 9
    The policy formulated for the city of Enschede 9
    The contents of the policy documents 9
    Plan map of Enschede 2015-2030 10
    Impediment maps 17
    Policy as a coherent whole 20
  4. Public evaluation 21
  5. Fundamental attitude 23
    The definition of a fundamental attitude 23
  6. Spatial features of the city of Enschede 27
    The 7 treasures of Enschede 27
    Two examples from the City centre district 28
    Colofon 30

The full document in English:

Enschede speaking for itself - Guide for spatial quality


Department of Planning
Eva, Fabry

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