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A Swedish Strategy for Sustainable Development

On 1 January 2005 the newly formed Ministry of Sustainable Development began operations headed by H.E.Ms. Mona Sahlin. The Government aspires to make the idea of the green welfare state a reality in Sweden and states that to this end, it will use new technology, construction and planning and pursue an active energy and environmental policy.

In its communication A Swedish Strategy for Sustainable Development (Government communication 2003/04:129), the Swedish Government states that the strategy covers economic, social and environmental aspects. Government efforts in this sphere are based on eight core areas:
- The future environment
- Limitation of climate change
- Population and public health
- Social cohesion, welfare and security
- Employment and learning in a knowledge society
- Sustainable economic growth and competitiveness
- Regional development and regional conditions
- Development of sustainable community planning

In regard to Development of sustainable community planning the document underlines that sustainable community planning should be based on a holistic approach in which ecological, economic, social and cultural aspects and concerns are interwoven. Different interests must be balanced against one another when dealing with buildings, infrastructure and installations.

Download the full document: Swedish_Strategy_for_Sustainable_Development.pdf

and the research strategy behind the document, developed by FORMAS - The Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning: Research_Strategy_for_Sustainable.pdf


Ministry for Sustainable Development
Eva, Fabry

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